Collecting sweeper machines

The VAMA sweeper machines are very easy to use. The sweeper machine is suitable for all tractors due to its simple operating principle. There are two kinds of structure types, which differ in respect of their waste container mechanism. In the EHK models, the container opens at the bottom, while in the EHK/A models the container opens upwards at the front. The sweeper machine’s structure is solid, so the machine is durable and long lasting. The tractor requires a single 2-way hydraulic connection.

Standard equipment
• Rotation of the main brush, rotation of the side brushes; opening of the container
• Right-side side brush
• Beeline brush discs
• Side brush with steel reinforcement
• ± 100 mm float
• bottom-opening container in EHK models
• top-opening container in EHK/A models, which enables a low drainage height
• possibility to use the EHK/A model as an open sweeper as well